RDBM Power Wall Project Log Testing

Rapid Deployment Battery Module (RDBM)      Today's update is The Testing of the Dimensions at Cellular Level Before proceeding into the bigger Design Which is 5P and The Much Bigger One the 25P and Then to The Bigger Bigger One Which is The 100P. I Tried to Make the Project Easier at my Side by Scouting the Internet of Things for Designs that are Readily Available that Would Fit my Project, so as to Lessen the Work and Expenses on Materials and Energy. Because This Project is Going to Consume so much Filaments and Electric Power if Started From Scratch. Taking Into Consideration my Source of Income and Free Time to Work on This Project is the First Barrier to Make This Thing Work. But, so far I wasn't Able to Find A Design out There that Could be use for my Intended Purpose, not to Mention Most Available 3D Files in the Internet are STLs that are difficult to edit and most cannot be undone.      I Ended up Designing my Own Holder ...

Scammed World Food Programme (WFP) Supplies

WFP Activities

In conflict-affected areas of Mindanao, WFP will jointly implement with its partners projects that aim to:

  • Contribute to a peaceful resolution of the conflict in Mindanao by addressing the food security needs of vulnerable populations living in conflict-affected areas;
  • Support the reconstruction of household and community assets;
  • Improve the nutritional status of pregnant and lactating women and children under-two years of age;
  • Increase the net enrollment rate and attendance rate for boys and girls in grades one through six;
  • Support restoration of livelihoods;
  • Support extension of Tuberculosis (TB) treatment programmes;
  • Strengthen the Government and NGOs/Civil Society in the implementation of effective food assistance in conflict-affected areas in Mindanao.

It is clear to all who knew World Food Programme (WFP), about her aims and the struggles from threats to solve the ongoing issues of world hunger. Just recently reports of scammed WFP food supplies were seen and heard on TV. The local government and other authorities were making steps to solve such reckless corruption of capitalist propaganda.

However the issue has yet been totally resolved as some military check points were able to report of filtered cargo trucks with rice bearing the emblem of WFP. The goal of the WFP regarding the resolution of hunger in Mindanao especially at ARMM and her neighboring province is currently threaten by corrupt and selfish individuals.

Needless to say the WFP authorities must find a way to intervene with the distribution of the food supplies especially to the final hand, with the presence of the ambassador or any authorized personnel of WFP that bears her emblem. And that are brave and strong enough to rebuke such anomaly.

A sample of the unjust distribution goes like this:


500 families are being listed to be qualified to receive WFP food assistance, let us say per family should received the minimum of 1 sack of rice. 100 families are illiterate, uninformed or uninfluential and without any ties to the distribution chain. 400 sacks will only be disposed and the 100 sacks will be sent to warehouses for repacks and redistribute as a commercial rice, with a price tag of course.

Although the fact that WFP is a non-combatant organization with peaceful aims for the development. Not all people are concern about such matter. In fact the WFP 2009 annual report recorded incidents of deaths and injuries of WFP staffs and drivers due to some violent response pathetic individuals.


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