RDBM Power Wall Project Log Testing

Rapid Deployment Battery Module (RDBM)      Today's update is The Testing of the Dimensions at Cellular Level Before proceeding into the bigger Design Which is 5P and The Much Bigger One the 25P and Then to The Bigger Bigger One Which is The 100P. I Tried to Make the Project Easier at my Side by Scouting the Internet of Things for Designs that are Readily Available that Would Fit my Project, so as to Lessen the Work and Expenses on Materials and Energy. Because This Project is Going to Consume so much Filaments and Electric Power if Started From Scratch. Taking Into Consideration my Source of Income and Free Time to Work on This Project is the First Barrier to Make This Thing Work. But, so far I wasn't Able to Find A Design out There that Could be use for my Intended Purpose, not to Mention Most Available 3D Files in the Internet are STLs that are difficult to edit and most cannot be undone.      I Ended up Designing my Own Holder ...

Weekend at the Beach

I was at the climax of my sweet dream while sleeping and putting all those bad alcohol from last night langs langs into a undisturbed rest and sleep when suddenly I heard a cupid calling my name.... I was awakened by Billy Boy a biker kid who was instructed by a friend of mine to wake me up and inform that they are going for a mountainbike ride en route to Kushiong. A nearby beach about 20km from our village.

Wiped my dripping saliva from my mouth and dried tears on eyes (What do they call muta in English;;;??? ^^) Geared up and took my water bottle filled with water and took my bike, drunk a glass of water after a piece of bread, bought a bottle of energy drink at a nearby store and tadann.... in less than 10 minutes I was suited up for the ride.

Upon arrival at the beach, what I did was taking pictures of everything I can find nice for a photo shot! I love taking pictures of the nature so you can't find any people in most of the pictures. I even made a new photo blog where I put pictures of clouds.

I was enjoying taking pictures of the beach when my hand and knees were shaking while my stomach was shouting hunger!!!! I was a very sudden hunger, but it was also time for a brunch. When the food was prepared, the riders ate like zapping a lightning on food that the just disappeared in less than 15 minutes. And to my hunger I forgot to take a photo of the foods which were fish soup and fish salad!

Wow so clean nothing left for the dog!

Tomorrow I'll post a li'l detailed story of the trail ride to the beach at my biking blog!


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