RDBM Power Wall Project Log Testing

Rapid Deployment Battery Module (RDBM)      Today's update is The Testing of the Dimensions at Cellular Level Before proceeding into the bigger Design Which is 5P and The Much Bigger One the 25P and Then to The Bigger Bigger One Which is The 100P. I Tried to Make the Project Easier at my Side by Scouting the Internet of Things for Designs that are Readily Available that Would Fit my Project, so as to Lessen the Work and Expenses on Materials and Energy. Because This Project is Going to Consume so much Filaments and Electric Power if Started From Scratch. Taking Into Consideration my Source of Income and Free Time to Work on This Project is the First Barrier to Make This Thing Work. But, so far I wasn't Able to Find A Design out There that Could be use for my Intended Purpose, not to Mention Most Available 3D Files in the Internet are STLs that are difficult to edit and most cannot be undone.      I Ended up Designing my Own Holder ...

My First Ad @ Nuffnang

I feel so lazy today, I was wanting to sleep more....more....more. But I must go to work, customers are knocking on my room to use the internet at Crywolf. Sigh.... my head was so heavy and so as my feet. I took the towel and head on to the bathroom to take a splash of water unto my face hoping to wake me up and cut off a lil' of the lazy feeling. Well it did cut a li'l and just very li'l. Went in to the command center turned on the lights, the UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply), the router, the modem, the computers, and the airconditioner.

Surfing the internet, emails regarding exchange links with my mountainbiking blog is the first thing that I want to check in my inbox. I opened my google account and checked everything. The gmail, the adsense, the blogs and puff no emails, but hey what's that new image (I thought the flag was missing)! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I got ads from Nuffnang! (This one was a good ice cracker). I got a grin and was feeling alive that I went to make a blog about it and save the image as a remembrance!

Although it's not an advertorial, but it's my first ad from my first ad network that is based on my own country, the Philippines". Hmm.... I hope I'll have my advertorial soon! ^^


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